Our First Thanksgiving

This year was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and well, ever! In all our years dating we've always shared our respective Thanksgivings via text so while I did miss my family terribly, I was SO HAPPY to eat stuffing by Coby's side! With it being the Gerstner's off year, we tried to pull our weight for the family that was there with salad, attempting my mom's crazy incredible orange rolls, drinks, and a raspberry pie by Coby! I missed a photo of the full spread but let me tell you, Thanksgiving is heaven. We finished off the night seeing Coco with some friends and suddenly I've loved going to the movies again. 

So very grateful for all the blessings I have. The sweetest husband, cutest kitty, new apartment, CHRISTMAS TREE(!), Target, Cafe Rio, awesome job, friends, family, Costco, a comfy bed, Parenthood (the show), She & Him's Christmas albums... I could never express enough thanks for how my life has gone, and understand the generations of sacrifice and diligence and godliness that has enabled me to live so fortunately!

Natalie Fielding