Happy Birthday Coby!

Happy Birthday Coby! He is the best best best best thing. I attempted German pancakes for his birthday breakfast, and attempted some gift giving too—seeing as though the slides I got were too small and the mitt I got was for the wrong hand. Yep.

But in all seriousness, I'm in disbelief that I get to hang out with him everyday. Even if it is just binge watching Breaking Bad and snuggling with our lil' kitty for 98% of it. If you know Coby you know just how purely nice and fun he is. HE KNOWS EVERYONE. He can out freestyle rap anyone, is naturally good at anything athletic he does, and is in love with any animal he crosses paths with.

ALSO! Did you know he commutes to Salt Lake everyday? Which is impressive in and of itself, but even more so considering he takes our beater car (purp scurp) that has NO AC and has left him stranded on the side of the road a handful of times. All because I still don't know how to drive stick shift. It's embarrassing really. Ugh what a saint.

He also is pretty hot. And has a nice beard. And great legs. And makes really amazing tacos. Happy birthday boo ^_^.

Natalie Fielding