Like Dad

Baby Tate is named after Coby and he sure resembles him too. When I saw him for the first time I immediately noticed he had Coby's eyebrows (the shape at least). Then came the lips, and his nose—and, as we have since discovered—Tate's overall longness! Kid has a wingspan! And of course his toes. I might have gone a little overboard with the feet pictures, but they're BABY FEET. The cutest feet of all.

It's no surprise that Coby is the best dad. He's been taking care of both of us like you wouldn't believe. Night shifts, and meals, and refilling my water every ten minutes. I didn't want to be or touched or talked to during labor. I threw my kleenex at him and I'm pretty sure I told him to shut up once (it's a little hazy)... So you can imagine what kind of a saint would have to take my labor induced abuse and decide to love me anyway. Hospital underwear and all.

Obviously loving Tate comes easy :). Cob's the master diaper changer, PJ dresser, and car seat carrier. He's already read him books and sang him songs and my heart bursts when I hear him preforming little accents from the other room.

I truly don't know what I did to deserve them. So much love for my boys.

(I also wish he wasn’t wearing this stupid onesie for these pictures, but when the moments right what can you do?)

Natalie Fielding